About us
07 Feb 2023
Tero is a consultancy incorporated as a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC). Created in 2015, it currently has 80 members, both individuals and legal entities.
Tero provides expertise rooted in the territories in support of agricultural, rural, territorial and food development organisations in France and abroad. Tero acts with a social and solidarity economy ethic and approach.
General presentation
Our 80 members are divided into 4 colleges: the employees of the cooperative, the associated experts, the international solidarity organisations and the individual or institutional supporters.

- The employees work hand in hand with the associated experts in the setting up, execution, follow-up, logistics and quality control of the missions. Involved on a daily basis in the operational management of the missions and in carrying out expert assessments, the employees are also involved in the life of the cooperative.
- The 40 associated experts are independent. They put their skills and expertise at the service of structures and actors committed to agricultural and food development in response to current environmental and social emergencies.
- The institutional members, associations or cooperatives accompanying Tero bring their know-how, experience and networks both in their fields of intervention and in fair trade approaches and in the management and running of cooperative companies. They are the NGO Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF), the SCOP Ethiquable, the CAE Terracoopa and the cooperative Solidarités Entreprises Nord-Sud (SENS).
- The individual supporters accompany Tero from time to time and are available to answer internal questions or to provide information in the context of missions.
All of Tero's members, whether individuals or institutions, make it possible to mobilise an extensive network of resource persons and partners located locally in the countries where cooperation is implemented, as well as in France.
Our activities
Tero is structured around 3 business areas:
- International expertise in the field of agricultural cooperation,
- An expertise in France with the actors of the agro-ecological and food transition
- A sector of control and audits of demanding fair trade labels
Specialised in the agricultural and food sector, we intervene in particular in favour of:

On the management of
agri-environmental resources

Fair and sustainable
commodity chains

Territorial and
institutional development

We assist clients and development actors by providing various services such as:
- Technical studies and diagnoses
- Project formulation and support
- Evaluation and capitalisation
- Strategic advice and support to stakeholders
- Audits and fair trade certification