Our sectors of activity
We have developed 3 sectors of activity

International expertise
We offer our services to various actors involved in agricultural cooperation and supporting family farming and agroecology.
TERO is developing international expertise activities in more than 20 countries on different continents. An important part of our activity is carried out in Sub-Saharan Africa, but we also have highly recognized expertise in the Latin American and Caribbean region.
Assignments are carried out by associating international experts, mainly TERO members, and local consultants, either independent or associated with other consulting firms. Within our assignments, we therefore act in a multicultural environment, due to the diversity of our regions and countries of intervention, working language and nature of the actors involved, between consultants, farmers, political leaders and economic actors. We do not have offices in the countries of intervention, but local consultants in a certain number of cases, through our locally based members, allowing us to have privileged links with the field.
Our services are mainly in the conduct of preliminary and feasibility studies for the design of agricultural and rural development interventions, specialized technical support for different projects/programs and the external evaluation of cooperation actions.
We are solicited on various subjects such as agricultural commodity chains and markets, the strengthening of producer and collective organizations, the agro-ecological transition of farms and territories, the concerted management of resources and the development of peasant husbandry.
Expertise in France
In France, Tero's members are located in a large part of the country.

They work on a wide range of projects involving territorial development, food relocation and agro-ecology.
Our principle is to create teams of competent experts with a strong history of working with agricultural and food stakeholders in France. We mobilise customised methodologies for each of our services. We ensure that we accompany the players throughout their reflection process and the implementation of their projects by giving everyone a voice using collective intelligence tools mastered by our experts.
Tero is thus designed to meet the needs of several types of actors: local authorities, public services at different levels, SSE companies and responsible businesses, farmers and their professional organisations.
Tero can carry out short or long term missions according to the requests:
- Support for local food systems (territorialized food systems and short circuits, including for collective catering): structuring of channels, logistics, collective processing workshops, marketing, fair trade, etc.
- Support for the development of agricultural and food policies on a territorial scale and evaluation of their effects, support for food governance at the level of a metropolis.
- Support for initiatives linking agriculture and the environment: agro-ecological transition of farms and territories, payment for environmental services, pastoralism, natural resource management;

Certification of fair trade initiatives
Tero supports the development of initiatives that promote production and exploitation methods that respect biodiversity and human rights, and that contribute to fair relations throughout the supply chain.
Tero's strong point: many of our members have been involved in fair trade initiatives for several decades.
With this in mind, we work with labels that have strong values and a triple commitment to agro-ecology, fair trade and the strengthening of autonomous producer organisations. These labels are based on complete and coherent specifications and independent control to attest to the good practices of all actors along the value chain.
In our commitments, we give priority to standards that contribute to the construction of fair trade sectors with this triple requirement. In this respect, we are not content to simply check a set of specifications, we take the time to formulate and communicate our conclusions so that they constitute a constructive step for our clients in their continuous improvement process.
Today, we act as an independent certification or control body for 4 Fair Trade labels, with different roles depending on the label. Depending on the label, Tero is thus:
- Controlling Body - A Tero auditor carries out the audit and then sends his report to the label holder for a decision on issuing the certificate
- Certification Body - A Tero auditor carries out the audit and then sends his report to the internal certification officer for a decision on issuing the certificate
We collaborate on request with other Fair Trade standards.